everyday life twitter

Short Messages – 20 Years of SMS

At instant speeds all reaction and adjustment are inevitable but too late to be relevant. McLuhan ἔρρει τὰ κᾶλα. Μίνδαρος ἀπεσσύα. πεινῶντι τὤνδρες. ἀπορίομες τί χρὴ δρᾶν. Xenophon, Helenika Twenty years ago today the first SMS was sent. And with the SMS begins the age of short messages, of asynchronous real time communication, and the […]

computer science slow theory

Collapsing Moments. Failure-driven Debugging of Intuition

by Regine Heidorn, Bit-Boutique®. [Original German Post] In our consciousness of the everyday grind we are mostly aware of thoughts, feelings and actions for a moment or a longer timespan like days or weeks. We try to do the Right Thing™ at the Right Time™ to keep us in a flow to reach our goals. […]


Another divide.

[Original German Blog Post] A chasm runs through our society (if we would stay with this 19th century term anyway). The Digital Divide is usually attributed to the problems of “digital illiteracy”, the fact that a portion of the world’s population is kept outside the Internet by poverty or stubbornness. In truth, however, and I […]

slow theory

Public relations after the memetic turn

I don’t like the term PR 2.0. It suggests an improved version of something that has been around a long time. Some bugs have been removed, some new features have been added. But all in all, it’s still public relations as we know it. I think this is not the case. Why? Because we went […]


Disrupt Politics!

[Original German Blog Post] “You will never be happy with strangers,They would not understand you as we,So remember the Jarama ValleyAnd the old men who wait patiently.”Alex McDade “Er sagte, es krache im Oberbau, und es krache im Unterbau. Da müsse sich sogleich alles verändern.” (“He said, it cracked in the superstructure, and it cracked […]

economy history philosophy slow theory

Memetic Turn

[Original German Blog Post] > “The Hanged” from the Tarot Deck of Charles VI., Paris, early 15th century. The symbolism of Tarot – similar to that of alchemy – forms a pre-modern memetic system. Tightly knit into other more or less esoteric programs of meaning, like Qabbalah or astrology, its images are at first illustrative […]

computer science philosophy religion science and mathematics

>digital<: to finger sth.

[Original German Blog Post] Arno Schmidt: Zettel’s Traum. The detail shown above read: (dug from ‘dig’ & this from ‘digital’ : to finger sth. digital (not comparable) [1] Having to do with digits (fingers or toes); performed with a finger. [2] Property of representing values as discrete numbers rather than a continuous spectrum. – digital […]

science and mathematics

“How I Killed Pluto” by Mike Brown

Original German Blog Post] “Good science is a careful and deliberate process. […] The discovery itself contains little of scientific interest. Almost all of the science […] comes from studying the object in detail after discovery.” Mike Brown Astronomy’s objects – planets, stars, galaxies – may in fact race through the universe at unimaginable speed […]

art slow theory

The Idiot – a topical figure again?

ἰδιώτης,idiōtēs I) N. 1) the individual man, private citizen in oposite to the state, att.Pr.; b) the common, ignoble man 2) a) the ignorant, layman in oposite to the trained person, e.g. in oposite to a physician b) someone ignorant to poetry, a prosaic person. […] Totski muttered to himself: “He may be an idiot, […]

art literature philosophy slow theory video

“Modernism is our Classical Antiquity”

[Original German Blog Post] (1) “A Vernacular is like a crumbled street version of a classic language. Like Italian is a vernacular language and Latin is a classic language. What does actual vernacular online video sound like, that’s native to the Internet and speaks vernacular Internet ease? I’ll just read you the categories of an […]