At instant speeds all reaction and adjustment are inevitable but too late to be relevant. McLuhan ἔρρει τὰ κᾶλα. Μίνδαρος ἀπεσσύα. πεινῶντι τὤνδρες. ἀπορίομες τί χρὴ δρᾶν. Xenophon, Helenika Twenty years ago today the first SMS was sent. And with the SMS begins the age of short messages, of asynchronous real time communication, and the […]
Category: twitter
Without Google: Day 1 [Original German Blog Post] Yesterday I made my mind to abandon all search engines for some time; I now don’t want to hesitate to tell you how my use of the Internet is changed by that. The most important means to get to valuable information are my networks, Twitter at first. […]
Fostering Slowness
The real innovation blogging brought to our media landscape has never been real-time. No, the most important difference between “regular” websites or portals and blogs is their archive and the beautiful possibilities for fostering slowness (philosopher Odo Marquard coined the phrase “Langsamkeitspflege” for a very similar concept). When German blogger and journalist Don Dahlmann wrote […]

[Original German blog post} “Every time I hear about Twitter I want to yell Stop. The notion of sending and getting brief updates to and from dozens or thousands of people every few minutes is an image from information hell. It scares me, not because I’m morally superior to it, but because I don’t think […]