
“Slow Media is a blog with a manifesto”, someone said and that is true. Here’s our english blog with the translation of our slow media manifesto which we originally wrote in german. You will find some translated (or written in english) blog posts – but not all of them. For a broader picture you are welcome to join our german blog and our slow media intitute’s site (google translate will assist if necessary).

International recensions, reactions and responses you will find on http://www.slow-media.net/resonanz

A nice illustration of our manifesto’s preamble I recently found  at The Future of Britain


Sabria David, @meta_blum

Post by Sabria David

jbenno Joerg Blumtritt, @jbenno, LinkedIn

Post by Joerg Blumtritt

Benedikt Koehler, @furukama

Post by Benedikt Koehler


Email: mail@slow-media.net

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