architecture art computer science politics

Casa Jasmina

[Den Post auf Deutsch lesen] “We must put human values into things, we must beware of the clashes among things. A smart house can clash with a happy house. The thoughtless convenience of seamless design can clash with the need for control and dignity. The users clash with the people. Our geek hood clashes with […]

art literature philosophy slow theory video

“Modernism is our Classical Antiquity”

[Original German Blog Post] (1) “A Vernacular is like a crumbled street version of a classic language. Like Italian is a vernacular language and Latin is a classic language. What does actual vernacular online video sound like, that’s native to the Internet and speaks vernacular Internet ease? I’ll just read you the categories of an […]

art economy history literature philosophy slow theory

“So literature collapses before our eyes” –
Non-Commodity Production

Enhancesprivate authorship, the competitive goal-oriented individual Retrievestribal elitism, charmed circle, cf. the “neck verse” Medium:Print ReversesWith flip from manuscript into mass production via print comes the corporate reading public and the historical sense Obsolescesslang, dialects and group identity, separates composition and performance, divorces eye and ear McLuhan’s tetrad-model: four aspects of the effect of media […]