philosophy religion science and mathematics

Metaphysics, Speculation and Science

[Original German blog post] The scientist looks through the objective – does this render his research objective? The occasion for this post is a rather persistently held debate on Twitter, I would like to broaden my own points a bit. These touche only a part of this by and large amusing discussion that spun a […]

art books

Digital Printing for Art Books

[Original German blog post] During the debate about the changes in media and the future importance of the Internet, you could get the impression lately, that the age of printing would come to an end after 500 years. In deed many industries that make a living from printed media are in a state of retreat […]

books history literature

Ovid: Metamorphoses

[Original German Blog Post] Some text are said to have influenced a whole generation; some are even called centennial. But the content of two books have been infusing our so called occidental couture and particularly art and literature over the span of the last two thousand years: this is the bible and Ovid’s Metamorphoses Claude […]

history slow theory

The Army of Technological Slaves

[Original German Blog Post] “καρπὸν δ᾽ ἔφερε ζείδωρος ἄρουρα αὐτομάτη πολλόν τε καὶ ἄφθονον” Hesiod, Έργα και ημέραι “Machines exist to serve us. There is something to be learned for media makers from the culture of the Hacker: not to surrender to the machines, neither reject them, but to take advantage of the machines, to […]

magazine science and mathematics slow theory

Power or Action?

[Original German Blog-Post] Remember that time is money. Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Young Tradesman When Benjamin Franklin had “snatched the lightning from the skies” with the lightning rod and “the scepter from the tyrants” with the American Independence, it was hardly possible to doubt words of this titanic hero of the enlightenment. His most […]

architecture books history twitter

Fostering Slowness

The real innovation blogging brought to our media landscape has never been real-time. No, the most important difference between “regular” websites or portals and blogs is their archive and the beautiful possibilities for fostering slowness (philosopher Odo Marquard coined the phrase “Langsamkeitspflege” for a very similar concept). When German blogger and journalist Don Dahlmann wrote […]

everyday life philosophy slow theory

Slow Media and borrowed time

When more than thirty years are told, As good as dead one is indeed Goethe, Faust II “Why Slow Media?” This is certainly one of the questions we get asked most frequently on events and in many conversations. “Why do you ask for more slowness in media?” For me, Hippocrates’ famous aphorism Ὁ μὲν βίος […]

books history philosophy slow theory

What remains of printing

[see german post] Yesterday the printing house in our neigboroughood was getting rid of unuseful things. Lots of printing and typesetting tools, drawers and letter cases were on the street: bulky waste waiting for the garbagemen. Yesterday I already took a big “O” and three small letter cases with me to give them a new […]

books economy magazine slow theory

Paper and Sustainability

[Original German Blog-Post] “Sustainability” says the man in the video on the screen, “means to do the same things all day. The opposite of flexible” – For me this marks one of the most impressive moments of the Mediamundo Congress for sustainable media production that took place in Berlin these days. For some this term […]

philosophy slow theory

The End of History – for creative professionals.

[Original German Blog Post] Eternal must that progress be Which Nature through futurity Decrees the human soul; Capacious still, it st improves As through the abyss of time it moves, Or endless ages roll. Its knowledge grows by every change; Through science vast we see it range That none may here acquire; The pause of […]