economy politics

Seven Ways of IoWT

Do you feel this gender divide as I do? I don’t lack for help from the capable male “Jasmini” but I need women to come to live with me, to talk with me.

slow theory

Virtual Broadcasting

[Original German Blog-Post] “What men share with all other forms of animal life was not considered to be human.” “Action, the only activity that goes on directly between men without the intermediary of things or matter, corresponds to the human condition of plurality … this plurality is specifically the condition — not only the conditio […]

economy magazine philosophy

The Brand Eins

[See german post and comments] „To me“, that is what my friend Anna said, „to me slow media is brand eins.“ Everytime she is at home at her friend Peter’s house – who subscribes to the magazine brand eins for years – and everytime she has time and quiet to do so, she reads a […]