
Disrupt Politics!

[Original German Blog Post] “You will never be happy with strangers,They would not understand you as we,So remember the Jarama ValleyAnd the old men who wait patiently.”Alex McDade “Er sagte, es krache im Oberbau, und es krache im Unterbau. Da müsse sich sogleich alles verändern.” (“He said, it cracked in the superstructure, and it cracked […]

art slow theory

The Idiot – a topical figure again?

ἰδιώτης,idiōtēs I) N. 1) the individual man, private citizen in oposite to the state, att.Pr.; b) the common, ignoble man 2) a) the ignorant, layman in oposite to the trained person, e.g. in oposite to a physician b) someone ignorant to poetry, a prosaic person. […] Totski muttered to himself: “He may be an idiot, […]