Do you feel this gender divide as I do? I don’t lack for help from the capable male “Jasmini” but I need women to come to live with me, to talk with me.
Category: economy

This is how the story of our BAYDUINO project went.
Slow Startups
Remember that time is money. Benjamin Franklin If there are two concepts that seem on exact oposites of each other, it’s “Slow” and “Startup”. On the one hand an emphasis on quality, good living, carefully crafted products, and relaxation, on the other hand a focus on growth, traction, and speed. But as we will argue […]
Memetic Turn
[Original German Blog Post] > “The Hanged” from the Tarot Deck of Charles VI., Paris, early 15th century. The symbolism of Tarot – similar to that of alchemy – forms a pre-modern memetic system. Tightly knit into other more or less esoteric programs of meaning, like Qabbalah or astrology, its images are at first illustrative […]
The Illusion of the Free Internet
[Original German Blog Post] Dec. 4 (Bloomberg) — PayPal Inc., the payment processor owned by EBay Inc., cut access today to the whistle-blowing website for violating its acceptable use policy. ( Earlier this year, I wanted to order a book at an Indian publisher. When trying to pay via the PayPal-link on the publisher’s […]
[Original German Blog Post] Leave aside the fact that Google was happy to censor results for China until its servers were hacked. The fact is, Google still censors search results in other countries at the request of their governments. […] Censoring results for years, shifting course for entirely unrelated reasons, and then vilifying competitors who […]
Enhancesprivate authorship, the competitive goal-oriented individual Retrievestribal elitism, charmed circle, cf. the “neck verse” Medium:Print ReversesWith flip from manuscript into mass production via print comes the corporate reading public and the historical sense Obsolescesslang, dialects and group identity, separates composition and performance, divorces eye and ear McLuhan’s tetrad-model: four aspects of the effect of media […]
Paper and Sustainability
[Original German Blog-Post] “Sustainability” says the man in the video on the screen, “means to do the same things all day. The opposite of flexible” – For me this marks one of the most impressive moments of the Mediamundo Congress for sustainable media production that took place in Berlin these days. For some this term […]
The Brand Eins
[See german post and comments] „To me“, that is what my friend Anna said, „to me slow media is brand eins.“ Everytime she is at home at her friend Peter’s house – who subscribes to the magazine brand eins for years – and everytime she has time and quiet to do so, she reads a […]