In Turin I have seen the future of art.
House Guests

In Turin I have seen the future of art.
[Den Post auf Deutsch lesen] “We must put human values into things, we must beware of the clashes among things. A smart house can clash with a happy house. The thoughtless convenience of seamless design can clash with the need for control and dignity. The users clash with the people. Our geek hood clashes with […]
The real innovation blogging brought to our media landscape has never been real-time. No, the most important difference between “regular” websites or portals and blogs is their archive and the beautiful possibilities for fostering slowness (philosopher Odo Marquard coined the phrase “Langsamkeitspflege” for a very similar concept). When German blogger and journalist Don Dahlmann wrote […]
[Original German Blog Post] Window in the southern transept of Cologne cathedral by Gerhard Richter. Image courtesy of Derix Glasstudios GmbH & Co.KG, Taunusstein. That [Chamber] at the eastern extremity was hung, for example, in blue -and vividly blue were its windows. The second chamber was purple in its ornaments and tapestries, and here the […]